Apps we like
A = Android • I = iOS • O = OSX • W = Web
Clear Dark Sky (A, I, W)
Observing conditions
Dark Site Finder (W)
Find locations to stargaze where skies are dark
Gas Giants (I)
Features and moons visible on the giant planets
MoonAtlas (I)
See a detailed map of the moon
Passenger Planet Podcast (W)
Understanding humanity’s place in the Universe
SeaSky Calendar (W)
A list of events to check out in the sky each year
Space Images (A, I)
Images of the Solar System and other places in the universe from NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Drake Calculator (A, W)
Estimate life in the universe
HelioViewer (W)
See what’s happening on the sun
NASA (A, I, W)
Learn about spaceflight and satellites
Satellite AR (A)
See which satellites are above you
SkySafari (A, I, O)
Sky maps and information on stars, planets, and objects
Sun features
Spotthestation (W)
ISS finder