Mountains of Stars Presentations
View slides from our public presentations
Make sure to watch our webinar versions of these presentations and our podcasts
on our Interviews and Talks page.
A Universal View
Where do we fit in, and what does our knowledge about the Universe tell us about what’s important?

Are We Special?
Believe it or not, we're all part of one big system, the Universe. Understanding how we fit in changes how we view the world — and hopefully how we treat it.

Why Dark Skies Matter for Conservation
Light is useful, but too much — or the wrong kind or placement — actually does more harm than good. There are good ways to create light that not only save energy and money, but are better for the environment.

A Universe of Energy
All the energy we have, that we use, that lets us live, comes from the universe. Learn how we and all life on Earth are tied to the entire cosmos.

Are We Alone?
One of the greatest questions is that of life elsewhere in the Universe. Are we it? What might it look like if there is life somewhere else?
Messaging in Public Programs - Presentation to the NH Astronomical Society
Astronomy is the perfect topic to engage the public, and connect them with the entirety of the Universe - including our place in it. In this talk, learn how to connect with the public and use astronomy as an entree to deeper discussion on the environment and humankind’s place in the world.
Darkness in the Daytime In 2023 and 2024 we experience Solar Eclipses! The next one in the US is not until 2045, so make sure you see these. Learn about eclipses, and our connection to the Universe from that experience.