Trip Overview and Participant Agreement


Welcome to the Mountains of Stars 2024 Eclipse trip! We are thrilled that you are interested in the trip. Because this is a group trip (we anticipate 16 participants plus trip leaders) with a goal of maximizing all participants’ enjoyment we ask that you review the items below and attest that you are willing to agree to abide by the parameters of the trip so that we can ensure everyone has a wonderful adventure.

1)     Because of the group nature of this trip, activities, transportation, and lodging are designed around operating as a unit. Although there may be some opportunities for the group to split into smaller groups for meals or certain activities, to make the trip as cost effective as possible we cannot make formal accommodations for participants to go off on their own instead of participating in the planned group activity. If you elect not to participate in a planned group event you may but, for that period of time, you will solely responsible for your own expenses, transportation, etc.… and no refund for that activity can be provided due to the nature of the group budget.

2)     We will be participating in a range of outdoor activities on non-eclipse viewing days. These may involve van rides of up to 2 hours to get to a select destination. The type and duration of the activities will be determined by local resources, destinations, geography, and weather. The activities will be group activities and for both safety and camaraderie it is expected that the group will remain together during the activities. Typical activities are likely to include hiking over rough uneven surfaces for 3-6 miles, kayaking on calm waters for 2-3 hours, and other activities with similar levels of effort and duration. Because our focus is on enjoying the outdoors the pace will be leisurely to moderate and ultimately determined by group ability. By signing up for this trip you attest that you are willing and physically capable of participating in activities of this type, abiding by the direction of the leaders, and agreeing that you are comfortable and willing to remain in a group setting.

3)     Eclipse viewing day will involve a prolonged period of exposure to the sun. All efforts will be made to find a viewing location with access to shade and places to sit but the final location will be determined by weather, geography, and local availability on viewing day so you will need to be prepared to say hydrated and protected from the sun. Eclipse viewing glasses will be provided. Looking directly at the sun without them will permanently damage your eyesight.

4)     By signing up for this trip you confirm that you will bring the following equipment: Broken in hiking shoes or boots that you can comfortably walk in for 3-6 miles. A daypack of at least 25 liters/2500ccs. Synthetic (non-cotton) outdoor attire appropriate for the range of physical activities described in this overview such as t-shirts, pants, shorts, and non-cotton socks. Rain jacket. Sunscreen, sunglasses, and a head covering. A container or containers capable of holding at least 1.5 liters of drinking water.

5)     You are not required to disclose any medical information to your trip leaders but it is best practice to share any information about a medical condition which could affect your health, wellness, or ability to participate in any of the group activities. You are responsible for bringing any required medications in sufficient quantities to last the duration of the trip. The leaders have basic first aid training but are not equipped to provide advanced care of any kind. Emergency Medical Services will be contacted for any serious injury or illness.

6)     Group meals will be arranged at local restaurants. Please notify the leaders upon signing up if you have any food allergies that require accommodations.    Every effort will be made to accommodate allergies and/or food preferences or but due to the group nature of the trip it may not be possible to do so in every circumstance. If you have a food allergy that is not easily or commonly accommodated by restaurants it is highly recommended to bring enough food you can safely eat for at least 2 meals to ensure an alternative is readily available in the event an accommodation cannot be made at a particular meal.