Join Douglas Arion, director of Mountains of Stars,
and outdoorsman Matt Putnam
for the April 8, 2024 Total Eclipse of the Sun!

Image Courtesy Richard T. Fienberg

Our Trip Location and the Total Eclipse Path in Central Texas


Welcome to the Mountains of Stars 2024 Total Solar Eclipse Trip! It will be a unique experience to see the Sun completely covered by the Moon - with the beautiful corona visible. We won’t have another one in the US until 2045! So many phenomena accompany an eclipse: Birds and animals go to rest, the temperature drops, the sky goes black, and there is sunset all along the horizon. An experience not to be missed! We will be based in Killeen, TX, where weather prospects are good, and the duration of totality is long - 4 minutes and 15 seconds. To learn more about eclipses, and this one in particular, make sure to check out the American Astronomical Society Eclipse Website.

We will gather in Austin, TX on April 2. Please make your travel arrangements to arrive no later than the 2nd. Departure will be on April 10. You are responsible for your own travel arrangements to and from Austin. If you would like assistance with airline reservations or other travel arrangements please contact Jacy at our travel partner, Cain Travel.

Local transportation, meals, activities, opportunities to explore central Texas and astronomy observing will be provided. There will also be presentations on astronomy topics, solar eclipses, and solar science, as well as guidance and instruction on the best ways to observe the eclipse. Eclipse glasses will be provided.

The cost is $2400 per person, and covers local travel, rooms (double occupancy), meals, and activities. Full payment will be required by 15 October, 2023 (Don’t worry - we’ll send you an invoice before then).

The trip is limited to 18 guests plus your trip leaders. At the moment all spaces are taken, but we are accepting waitlist applications. To place your name on the list please read our Trip Overview and Participant Agreement and fill out our Waitlist Form. If spaces become available, we will contact you on a first-come-first-served basis, and ask you to send a $250 per person deposit.


(Subject to change due to weather, etc.)

April 2, 2024 - Arrive in Austin, TX - Stay at the Hyatt Place Austin. Group dinner at the Eureka Burger Bar. Visit to the Congress St. Bat Bridge

April 3, 2024 - Travel to Killeen, TX - Stay at the Marriott Courtyard (six nights). Chalk Ridge Falls Hike or Dana Peak hike; Option: Colorado Bend State Park (TBD)

April 4, 2024 - Enchanted Rock Hike; Evening: Presentation on Astronomy and the Environment

April 5, 2024 - Group Trip to San Antonio, TX - Exploration/points of interest. River shuttle, River Walk, Alamo, etc.

April 6, 2024 - Group Trip to Waco, TX - Homestead Craft Village, Waco Places of Interest. Evening: Presentation on the Science of the Sun

April 7, 2024 - Wine Tour in Waco, TX; Afternoon: Visit to the Waco Mammoth Site

April 8, 2024 - ECLIPSE DAY! Morning: Presentation on Eclipse Phenomena and Eclipse Observing. Possible travel to a clear site if weather demands it! Evening: Eclipse BBQ Celebration at the Marriott Hotel!

April 9, 2024 - Hotel Checkout. Return to Austin. Tour of University of Texas at Austin Astronomy Department. Stay at Hyatt Place Austin. Group dinner at Juliet-Barton Springs.

April 10, 2024 - Departure Day - Transfers to Airport



Trip Leader Douglas Arion

Douglas Arion, PhD

Douglas Arion, PhD is Professor Emeritus of Physics and Astronomy and Donald D. Hedberg Distinguished Professor Emeritus of Entrepreneurial Studies at Carthage College, co-founder of Galileoscope, and the founder and Director of Mountains of Stars.

Doug is a Fellow of the American Physical Society, a member of the American Astronomical Society and the International Astronomical Union, has received the Distinguished Service Award from Sigma Pi Sigma (the physics honorary society), the Volunteer Leadership Award from the Appalachian Mountain Club, and the Dark Sky Defender Award from the International Dark Sky Association. He serves on US and international commissions on dark skies preservation. He has conducted astronomy research at Kitt Peak National Observatory, Yerkes Observatory, and Steward Observatory, and is an award-winning telescope builder and member of the Springfield Telescope Makers. His dissertation research was on solar flares - so eclipses are a particularly special occasion! Doug is also an active outdoorsman, a hiker who has completed the 48 New Hampshire 4000 footers, a cyclist, and a certified Nordic ski instructor.

Matt Putnam - 2024 Eclipse Trip Co-Leader

Matthew Putnam

Matt is an experienced outdoors person and leader with the Appalachian Mountain Club (AMC). He has hiked extensively in the New England area and has experience with multi-day backpack trips in the Western US and South America. Matt is a hike and paddle leader with the AMC. He completed their highly regarded Mountain Leadership School course and went on to become an instructor. Matt is currently trained at the Wilderness First Aid level and has experience as a front country EMT. He is also an astronomy enthusiast, and has attended the Stellafane Convention of the Springfield Telescope Makers. Matt enjoys connecting people with the outdoors and is thrilled to team up with his longtime friend Doug Arion to co-lead this exciting and unique outing.